How Jeff Lost 20+ Pounds & 6.5 Inches

My client Jeff recently reached the 1-year mark of his coaching journey, and his transformation has been pretty remarkable! Let me tell you a little bit about his story…
My client Jeff recently reached the 1-year mark of his coaching journey, and his transformation has been pretty remarkable! Let me tell you a little bit about his story…
This is Yvonne, and I’m pumped to tell you her story! All told, Yvonne lost more than 15 pounds and dropped a full 4.5 inches off her waistline while we worked together. She got strong as hell, too! Yvonne added weight and reps to just about every single exercise in her program.
On Aug. 7, 2023, I’m launching Training Camp — a 90-day challenge to help you reach your health and fitness goals!
So you want to be able to drink alcohol and still lose weight, huh? In this article I’m going to teach you how to do it. (Because you can!)
By: Chris Gates I want to tell you a little bit about my friend Amanda. Amanda and I have been working together since February 2022, and the progress she’s made in a short period of time has been incredible! Amanda has lost eight pounds, dropped 3.5 inches from her waistline, and seen her progress shoot […]
By: Chris Gates If you’re interested in leaning out, building some muscle, and getting your body ready for a summer of fun at the beach and pool, then you’ve come to the right place! The ultimate get fit for summer workout plan is here to help. In this article, I’m going to outline six specific […]
By: Chris Gates In the quest to lose weight, you’ve probably asked yourself the following question: does lifting weights burn more fat than cardio? What form of exercise is going to maximize your fat loss progress? Is doing cardio going to be optimal for burning fat? Or will lifting weights be the key to you […]
By: Chris Gates This is Pierce, and you should know his story. Because Pierce absolutely plowed through what a lot of people struggle with — building muscle and shedding body fat. Pierce and I worked together for most of 2021, and his progress has been unreal. If you asked me to find someone who has […]
Chris Gates Fitness · 46. How to Increase Muscle Mass While Losing Fat By: Chris Gates Build muscle, burn fat, and look great. It’s what everybody wants, right? Well I’ve got good news for you: you’ve come to the right place. In this article I’m going to outline exactly how to increase muscle mass while […]
By: Chris Gates Hi, everybody! Welcome back to another edition of the Q&A series. This week, we’ve got an awesome topic to dive in to: lifting for weight loss. Most weight-loss programs have a fitness element to them, and many fitness programs make claims that they’re the “optimal” way to burn fat and lose weight. […]