How Amanda Built Muscle & Lost 3+ Inches From Her Waistline!

Amanda Webb, Before/After Left

By: Chris Gates

I want to tell you a little bit about my friend Amanda.

Amanda and I have been working together since February 2022, and the progress she’s made in a short period of time has been incredible!

Amanda has lost eight pounds, dropped 3.5 inches from her waistline, and seen her progress shoot through the roof with strength training!

Most importantly, she’s seen her overall health improve dramatically.

“My first priority was getting my blood pressure under control,” Amanda said. “Heart disease runs deep in my family. Mom died at 55, her mom 39. Pushing 45, I wanted to be stronger, feel better, and of course wanted to look better.  

“I feel like I have accomplished all of these. No more blood pressure meds and looking better than I did in my younger years. Feel like I can continue my outdoor lifestyle that I love without worrying if I am fit enough or strong enough.”

Amanda Webb, Before/After Front

Amanda has not only lost weight, but she’s built muscle and developed tremendous habits around training and nutrition. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in the future!

While her progress has been incredibly impressive, what has impressed me the most as her coach has been Amanda’s consistency.

No matter what life has thrown her way, Amanda has taken things in stride, made the right adjustments, and found a way to stick to her program and her goals.

Weather has changed our plans to cardio at times โ€” the wind in Texas where Amanda lives is crazy! โ€” and occasionally we’ve taken a more flexible approach to her diet with work and different events that have popped up.

But no matter the circumstances, Amanda has made the best of every situation.

I’m so excited to keep working with her, and can’t wait to see the progress that’s in store!

“Online coaching has been a blessing to me,” Amanda said. “I get structured workout plans that I can perform at the time that best fits my schedule.

“Any problems or questions I may have, I just shoot Chris a message and get the help I need quickly, instead of having to wait until my next training day with an in person trainer. I have heard horror stories of some online coaches, therefore was very scared to do it. I did my research and happened to come across Chris on TikTok, of all places.

I watched his videos, listened to podcasts, and even checked him out on Facebook. I was pleased to have found someone that was so excited to share his knowledge on fitness and nutrition. Someone that loves to teach, will teach it in away that makes sense, and will get you excited about learning. I cant vouch for all online coaches, only mine. And in my opinion, he’s the absolute best.”