The Best Exercises to Build Your Chest

In this article, I’ll walk you through the best exercises to build your chest so that you can start building muscle & getting stronger today!
In this article, I’ll walk you through the best exercises to build your chest so that you can start building muscle & getting stronger today!
This article dives into what the research says about cardio and how it impacts muscle growth, and outlines key concepts that you should understand to get the most out of your training.
By: Chris Gates It’s one of the most popular questions in all of fitness: How do I get started? It just seems like there’s so much you need to know, but no way to figure it all out and piece things together. How often should you lift weights? Do you need to do cardio? If […]
By: Chris Gates If you want to get strong, training with barbells is definitely going to help. But if you’re a beginner to lifting weights, it’s important to approach lifting with a barbell in a safe and responsible way. Because let’s face it… Lifting with a barbell requires proper form and technique. Learning proper form […]
By: Chris Gates This is my friend Michelle, and I want to tell you a little bit about her story. Because Michelle and I worked together for well over a year, and her journey is inspiring! Michelle lives in Los Angeles, and she reached out to me in January of 2021 looking to develop a […]
By: Chris Gates If you’re interested in leaning out, building some muscle, and getting your body ready for a summer of fun at the beach and pool, then you’ve come to the right place! The ultimate get fit for summer workout plan is here to help. In this article, I’m going to outline six specific […]
By: Chris Gates In the quest to lose weight, you’ve probably asked yourself the following question: does lifting weights burn more fat than cardio? What form of exercise is going to maximize your fat loss progress? Is doing cardio going to be optimal for burning fat? Or will lifting weights be the key to you […]
By: Chris Gates If you’re a beginner and you want to get started with strength training, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’m going to help you build the best strength training program for beginners. And I’m glad you’re here, because I can absolutely relate to being a beginner with lifting weights. […]
In episode No. 51 of the podcast, I sit down with Jordan Syatt to talk about life, parenting, fitness, nutrition and so much more! This episode is available to watch on YouTube, or you can stream it anywhere you listen to podcasts. Jordan’s been instrumental in helping me develop as a coach, and I’m thrilled […]
By: Chris Gates When you want to build muscle, you’ll take every advantage you can get. And sometimes that means trying out some advanced lifting techniques, like supersets! But are supersets good for muscle growth? Will they help you build more muscle? Will they help you build it faster? Are supersets superior to the more […]