How to Build A Sustainable Workout Routine

The workout program that works best is always the one you can follow consistently. Here’s how to build a sustainable workout routine.
The workout program that works best is always the one you can follow consistently. Here’s how to build a sustainable workout routine.
After you get started and the excitement wears off, you’ve probably wondered about how to get motivated to eat healthy and exercise.
By: Chris Gates It’s one of the most popular questions in all of fitness: How do I get started? It just seems like there’s so much you need to know, but no way to figure it all out and piece things together. How often should you lift weights? Do you need to do cardio? If […]
By: Chris Gates If you can find a way to be more consistent with working out, it can truly unlock massive amounts of progress. Consistency is the ultimate key to every form of progress there is with fitness — whether it be getting stronger, building muscle, burning body fat, improving your endurance, or any other […]
I can confidently say this diet worked. In case you missed any of the background information on the 3-Phase Diet Plan, how it was structured, what my training looked like, and how my nutrition strategy came together, check out the following links: 3-Phase Diet Plan overview 3-Phase Diet Plan fitness routine 3-Phase Diet Plan nutritional […]
Chris Gates Fitness · 21. The 3 Keys To Achieving Your Fitness Goals Unfortunately, it’s common to think you can’t achieve your fitness goals. Too often we see something we’d like to do with fitness and think, “I can’t accomplish that.” Maybe you want to run a 5-mile race, or bench press 200 pounds, or […]
I’ve been wanting to write about the keto diet for a really long time. It’s been the diet craze of the last year or so, and everyone seems to be giving it a try. Don’t believe me? Check out the Google trends results on ketogenic diets since 2018. Many of you have suggested it to […]
Since Jan. 1, the most popular phrase I’ve heard from people is this: “I’m motivated to change, but my biggest problem is being consistent.” My response is always the same: “It’s common. Don’t beat yourself up. But let’s figure out how to be consistent in the future.” New Years Resolutions, while often mocked, are a […]
“If someone is trying at the gym, but doesn’t really know what to do, or can’t seem to be consistent, this is the perfect program for it because it almost holds them accountable since they have a schedule to stick to. There are probably a lot of coaches out there that would throw the template […]
I tweeted that the other day and got a pretty good response to it, so I thought I’d share it on the website, too. The exercises I do in the gym, I’ve done literally thousands and thousands of reps of. You guys see it all the time — squats, deadlifts, bench press, and a whole […]