Consistency + Time = Progress

I tweeted that the other day and got a pretty good response to it, so I thought I’d share it on the website, too.

The exercises I do in the gym, I’ve done literally thousands and thousands of reps of. You guys see it all the time — squats, deadlifts, bench press, and a whole lot of similar accessory movements to complement the big three lifts.

Why? My goal is to compete in powerlifting. I want to get as strong as I can with the competition lifts. So that’s what I’ve dedicated myself to.

And you know what? I’m still not where I want to be. I still haven’t reached my goals.

BUT… I’m a whole lot closer to my goals than I used to be. I’m happier. I’m healthier. I’m stronger. I’ve been slowly building muscle and learning about myself along the way.

It’s OK to experience ups and downs throughout your journey, whether it be with fitness and nutrition or something else. Hell, you probably should experience those ups and downs. That’s how you learn, improve, and become better.

I believe the key to reaching any goal is consistency. If you put a plan together (this is probably No. 1a on my list of importance — getting the right plan in place) and are consistent in your pursuit of that goal every day, you’re going to find success. Sure, you’re going to trip up every so often. But over time you’ll find yourself headed in the right direction.

Like I said, I’ve done the same exercises thousands of times. They’ve moved me in the right direction over time, so I’m going to keep plugging away and see where it takes me.

I suggest you do the same, and fall in love with the process!