How to Get Heavy Dumbbells Into Position Easily

In this article, I’m going to teach you exactly how to get heavy dumbbells into position so that you can continue to make progress with lifting weights.
In this article, I’m going to teach you exactly how to get heavy dumbbells into position so that you can continue to make progress with lifting weights.
In this article, I’ll walk you through the best exercises to build your chest so that you can start building muscle & getting stronger today!
By: Chris Gates If you want to get strong, training with barbells is definitely going to help. But if you’re a beginner to lifting weights, it’s important to approach lifting with a barbell in a safe and responsible way. Because let’s face it… Lifting with a barbell requires proper form and technique. Learning proper form […]
Week 3 was officially the first true frustration I’ve felt with this entire cut. It started with an injury, which led to a plateau. In the end, I’m still progressing so there’s really no need to worry. The week finished on a positive note with a couple solid training sessions and my weight dropping down […]
I tweeted that the other day and got a pretty good response to it, so I thought I’d share it on the website, too. The exercises I do in the gym, I’ve done literally thousands and thousands of reps of. You guys see it all the time — squats, deadlifts, bench press, and a whole […]
We’re off and running! My 2019 cut begins this week, and with it comes brand new goals. I’ll be documenting my plans, my strategies, and how things progress on a week-to-week basis to document this journey and hopefully provide you with some tips and takeaways. The last time I did a full-on cut, I set […]
I’m finishing off this week maxing out on my lifts, because things are about to change in a hurry! Plans have changed and my cut starts on Monday. I’m not properly peaked, as I had one more block of training to complete in my current program. But sometimes you gotta roll with the punches. Today […]