Just Keep Pressing, A New Bench Press PR!

I’m finishing off this week maxing out on my lifts, because things are about to change in a hurry!

Plans have changed and my cut starts on Monday. I’m not properly peaked, as I had one more block of training to complete in my current program. But sometimes you gotta roll with the punches.

Today I benched 235 pounds and, as you can see, it was a grinder! I’d like to think if I got one more block of training in, this rep would have been a bit smoother and maybe I’d even have an extra 5-10 pounds in me. But oh well! I’m happy with the progress — up 15 pounds from my last 1RM attempt.

As I’ve said a million times before, bench press is my weakest lift. My pushing strength has always been a weak point, so even small PR’s and victories are moments that I like to celebrate!