Just Keep Pulling, My 375-Pound Deadlift

Here it is, the last of my one-rep max attempts from last week. I clocked in at 375 pounds on the deadlift.

This one (a 15-pound PR) is evidence of progress, but I honestly think I have a lot more in me. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not properly peaked. Additionally, I tested both my squat and deadlift 1RM’s on the same day (something I’ve never done before).

Squat came first, and I really put a lot into my 290-pound PR. My lead up to this final deadlift moved surprisingly slow, so I expected I might be in for a fight!

This was a cool look into how I might perform in a powlifting meet. However, had I tested deadlift on a separate day, I’m pretty confident I’d be sniffing closer to 400 pounds.

That’s good enough for me! I know the strength is there, and I’m proud of my progress (but maybe not so proud of my warrior “shriek” at the end of this lift lol).

Now I’m officially in weight loss mode, with maintaining my strength being a primary goal. I’m excited to document the process!