Client Transformation: Todd’s Sustainable Weight Loss

Before and after shot of Todd's weight loss journey

I’d like to introduce you to one of my clients.

This is Todd, and he is in the midst of an unbelievable transformation!

Through consistency and hard work, he has gone from the mid 170’s all the way down to the 150’s in weight, and continues to make progress!

His program has been really effective, thanks to his level of consistency in getting the job done.

Strength training Monday-Friday and eating in a calorie deficit has been a killer combination. And that’s not to say he’s done it without any flexibility!

As you can see in the weight chart (above), there have been peaks and valleys. To his credit, he hasn’t gotten too high or too low — instead he’s given himself the flexibility to enjoy things like birthdays and special events and continue to make progress.

Because every diet plan should let you enjoy those moments.

I’m so damn proud of him and his commitment to the process!

His progress and success are an amazing example of how you can make a change, while being flexible and finding a sustainable path moving forward.

I can’t wait to see what he’s able to accomplish in the months ahead!