Home Workout: Scaled Leg Workout

This is a lower-body workout you can scale based on your fitness level and available equipment to have an insanely productive workout at home!

In this workout, we hit all of the major lower-body muscle groups. Squats will target the quads, RDL’s will target the hamstrings and glutes, and the standing calf raise takes care of your calves.

Check out the routine details below, and be sure to watch the short video above to get a feel for what the workout looks like. If you need ideas on how to scale some of these movements, check out my at-home workouts article. It contains a video that breaks down banded and body weight alternatives for every muscle group.

If you still have questions on how you can make this routine best for you, contact me.

If the rep/set schemes listed aren’t challenging enough, feel free to add more. If they’re too much, feel free to cut some work out or give yourself added rest. The goal here is to get active and train while at home!

The Routine

Barbell or Banded Squat84
Dumbbell or Banded RDL106
Standing Calf Raise126
Dumbbell or Bodyweight Squat124