Home Workout: Banded Push Routine

This routine is easy to do with just your body weight or a resistance band. It’s five consecutive exercises, 10 reps each, followed by a 60-second rest, for five rounds.

This workout shouldn’t take you long to complete, no matter your experience level, and you’ll get your heart rate up while challenging your upper body.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

The Routine:

Push Up10 reps
Shoulder Push Up10 reps
Band Pull-Aparts10 reps
Banded Lateral Raise10 reps
Banded Triceps Push Down10 reps

By completing these exercises, you’ll be working the overall musculature of your chest (pecs), shoulders (anterior, medial, and posterior deltoids), and triceps.

Scaling Options:

Feel free to scale this as needed. If five rounds of five consecutive exercises is too challenging for your current fitness level, feel free to add in rest between each exercise. Just make sure you’re still completing the entire workout.

And if you can do more, then by all means do more! Keep the rounds going until you feel you’ve gotten in sufficient work.

As for exercise selection, a few of these movements are designed with resistance bands in mind. If you don’t have any bands, or if you have other equipment, feel free to scale these exercises accordingly so that you get the most out of the workout.

For instance, if you have dumbbells you could substitute in a dumbbell chest press in place of the push up. Or, if you don’t have any equipment, you could do something like a diamond push up instead of the banded triceps push down.

There are tons of options, and I’ve outlined many of them in my at-home workouts video, so be sure to check that out if you need ideas. And feel free to reach out to me if you need help!

If you’re interested in taking your fitness and nutrition to the next level, even if you don’t have any equipment or a gym membership, contact me and let’s talk about what coaching options might work for you! The beauty of online coaching is we can make progress regardless of your current situation.