The Pendalay Row

Thinking about bringing this movement back into the regular routine: the pendalay row.

This is such an effective mass/strength builder for the back when done correctly. The problem is, so many people do it incorrectly and sacrifice range of motion, muscle engagement, and more for the sake of “ego lifting.”

Anyone can throw a ton of weight on the bar and toss the bar up and down. That’s going to satisfy your ego, but it won’t be optimal for your progress.

Try and keep your back horizontal to the floor throughout this movement. This will require you to put an appropriate amount of weight on the bar. From there, you can look to add 5-10 lbs to the bar each workout while maintaining consistently good form.

In this workout, I got back to the pendalay row for the first time in months. I went with 135 lbs and focused on form. Next time I’ll bump it up to 145 and see how my form looks.