Survive The Workout

Sometimes there are workouts you “just have to get through.”

That isn’t to say you should put forth less effort or walk through it mindlessly without any focus. But there are just some days where things aren’t going well or feeling right, and that’s OK.

In those situations, consider the factors at play… Have you been out of your normal routine lately? Have you been missing out on sleep? Has your diet changed? Are you hydrated?

If the answers to any of those questions is “yes,” well then you can probably have a reasonable expectation that today’s workout might not be the best.

For anyone that worked out the day after Christmas, I’d like to first congratulate you! And second, if the workout was anything less than stellar, you’ve probably got a good excuse.

I just so happened to have my heaviest squat and deadlift day in four months line up for Dec. 26. That’s a tough ask after several days of eating weird foods, drinking alcohol, and buzzing around town without a full night’s rest. To be honest, I’m just pleased I got through this one!

Squats felt OK, but the weight felt much heavier than usual. This caused me to misgroove my heavy singles. Me and the weight shifted forward a bit, but I got the weight up, and that’s good enough for today.