What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home?

What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home

By: Chris Gates

I get this question every single week: What foods are always good to have at home?

You want to lose weight, or build muscle, or improve your health in some way. And it all starts with your diet, right?

So, the foods you eat on a regular basis are going to make a big impact. You know, the ones that are high in protein and other nutrients that build your body up.

And at the same time, having foods on hand that don’t support your goals can be detrimental to your progress. These are typically the highly processed foods that rack up calories quick.

So in this article, I’m going to outline some of my favorite foods to always have on hand — whether it be stored in your pantry, refrigerator, or freezer.

  • First, we’ll dive into some need-to-know diet information for every fitness goal. Because whether you want to build muscle, burn fat, avoid weight gain, or just simply develop healthier lifestyle habits, you need to make sure you’re focusing on a few fundamental principles.
  • Then, I’ll outline foods that are always good to have at home for each macronutrient — protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • We’ll talk about supplementation as well, and outline a few of the best and most impactful fitness supplements that can support your journey.
  • And as always, we’ll talk about how you can put all this information into practice to clean up your diet, and start making real, meaningful progress.

So if that all sounds good to you, let’s dive in!

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How to Lose Weight, Build Muscle, & Avoid Weight Gain

Before we get to the list of foods you should always have on hand at your home, let’s break down the fundamentals of what you need to focus on with your diet.

Because depending on your goal, the composition of your diet may look different.

In general, you should focus on consuming mostly whole, nutritious foods. And that’s the majority of what you’re going to see when we dive into protein, carbohydrates, and fats later in this article.

Whole, nutritious foods are rich in the nutrients your body wants and needs to run like a well-oiled machine.

They tend to be minimally processed, and in a lot of cases they are very high volume — meaning you can eat a large amount of these foods for fewer calories than other processed options.

On top of that fundamental nutritional principle, here’s what’s required for you to achieve your goals.

If you want to…

  • Lose Weight: You need to be in a calorie deficit. This means you need to eat fewer calories from food than your body burns each day. It’s quite simply the only way to lose body fat.
  • Build Muscle: You probably should be in a slight calorie surplus. When you eat more calories than your body burns, you provide it with extra resources to recover, repair, adapt, and grow from your strength training. Eating adequate protein is required as well.
  • Avoid Weight Gain: To remain weight stable, it’s all about figuring out your maintenance calories, and then being consistent with your diet.

Luckily, the foods we’re going to talk about can help you accomplish any of those goals.

So let’s talk about what foods are always good to have at home.

What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home, Protein

What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home: Protein

When it comes to changing your body composition, protein is the most important macronutrient in your diet.

So… What foods are always good to have at home?

High-protein foods are key.

Protein is essential and necessary for building and repairing muscle tissue. It’s also important for maintaining a healthy metabolism and promoting fat loss. Some good sources of protein include:

  • Lean meats: Chicken, turkey, beef, and pork are all excellent sources of protein. Leaner cuts will be more effective for fat loss if that’s your goal. These are easy to store frozen, and you can cook them in bulk to have 5-7 days worth of protein available at any time in your fridge.
  • Fish: Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which comes with a ton of health benefits. Some of my favorites to always have at home are salmon, shrimp, tuna, and cod. These are great to buy canned or frozen so that you can store them away and always have them on hand.
  • Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein and are also rich in vitamins and minerals. And you can cook them several different ways to add variety to any meal throughout the day. Their shelf life is typically 3-5 weeks, which means you can buy them in bulk.
  • Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and contains probiotics that can improve digestion and support immune function. This is one of my favorite late-night snacks that allows you to rack up 10-20 grams of protein easily, while keeping your calories reasonable.
  • Cottage Cheese: Admittedly, this one isn’t my favorite. I’ve never been able to handle the texture of cottage cheese. But many people love it, and it’s super high in protein! It’s another great snack that you can have on hand in the fridge for a quick 10-20 grams of protein.
What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home, Carbohydrates

What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home: Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are normally the biggest culprit that gets people in trouble when it comes to the foods you have at home.

So many snacks are high in carbs. And while carbs aren’t inherently bad, many snack foods that are high in carbs tend to be highly palatable as well.

That means they’re very flavorful, which makes it incredibly easy for you to overeat.

You’ll get the most benefit by always having nutritious carb sources on hand that fuel your body and support your goals at the same time.

Carbs are an important source of energy for the body and choosing the right ones will make it easier for you to lose fat, build muscle, or maintain your current bodyweight.

  • Potatoes: White potatoes and sweet potatoes are great sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Sweet potatoes also feature a rich mix of complex carbohydrates. You can typically store them for up to several months in a cool pantry, so it’s easy to always have them on hand.
  • Rice: Whether it’s white rice or brown rice, this is a great carb source to always have at home. Rice is simple for your body to break down and utilize, and it’s very versatile. The shelf life can be anywhere from six months to several years.
  • Quinoa: This is one of my favorite carb sources because of its all-around benefits. Quinoa is high in protein and contains complex carbohydrates and fiber. Just like rice, it’s very versatile (and very similar in texture) and can be stored for quite literally years.
  • Oats: Whether it’s for breakfast or for a daily snack, don’t sleep on oats. Oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates and are also rich in fiber and protein.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: This is kind of a no-brainer, but you should be taking advantage of the many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that fruits and vegetables provide. Some of my favorites are honeycrisp apples, pears, broccoli, spinach, berries, and citrus fruits.
What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home, Fats

What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home: Fats

While many people associate fat with weight gain, the right types of fats are essential for building muscle and burning fat.

Healthy fat sources help support the support the function of your brain, heart, hormones, and other organs. And they’re great for complementing the protein and nutritious carb sources we’ve already gone over.

Even if you’re trying to lose weight, adequate fat intake is crucial to support your health. One gram of fat has 9 calories, which is higher than the 4 calories per gram of protein and carbs.

As long as you monitor your portions appropriately, the following healthy fat sources are great additions to any diet.

  • Avocado: Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins. The shelf life isn’t super long, so grabbing a couple from the grocery store each week is normally best.
  • Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Some good options include almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds. The shelf life of these items is typically 6 months or longer.
  • Olive oil: Olive oil is a great source of healthy fats and is also rich in antioxidants. Buy a big jar, and you’ll always have some on hand. It’s pretty hard to have olive oil expire on you.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a great source of healthy fats and can also help improve digestion and boost metabolism. Just like olive oil, it’s not going bad anytime soon (try 2 years).
  • Fatty fish: Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation. These fish come with a high amount of protein, too, so you can knock out two birds with one stone. Buy them fresh and eat right away, or grab it frozen so you can store it away for the right moment.
  • Red Meat: Ground beef, steak, and other fattier cuts of red meat tend to be very high in vitamins and minerals, along with protein. I like buying red meat in bulk while fresh and freezing it so I can have a little bit each week.
What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home, Supplements

What Foods Are Always Good to Have at Home: Supplements

This list isn’t complete until we talk about supplements.

And let’s make one thing very clear right off the bat…

You don’t NEED supplements.

Supplements are supplementary. They’re intended for your use if you have trouble getting certain nutrients in your diet on a regular basis.

Now with that said, it can be super helpful to always have a few of them on hand, just in the off chance that you have a day or two throughout the week where you’re lacking in some area.

Supplements are always good to have at home so you can fill gaps in your diet as needed. And the shelf life of most supplements is quite long.

Some good options include:

  • Whey protein powder: This is a convenient and effective way to increase your protein intake. A whey isolate protein supplement is going to provide your body with everything it needs to support muscle growth and repair.
  • Creatine: There’s arguably no supplement that’s been more heavily studied and proven to be effective than creatine. If you regularly work out, it can help increase muscle strength and power. And research continues to find additional potential health benefits.
  • Caffeine: You may not consider this a “supplement,” but by nature it is. You don’t NEED caffeine, but it seems that most people enjoy it and find benefits. Whether it be in your morning coffee, or a preworkout supplement that you take before your workouts, having caffeine on hand seems to be beneficial for most people.
Person writing a meal plan, How to Avoid Weight Gain Over Thanksgiving

Meal Planning and Preparation

Obviously, having those foods on hand is one thing. Utilizing them is another.

So whatever foods from this list that you end up choosing, make sure you’re also building a little bit of time into your week to plan and prep meals.

Scheduling 1-2 meal prep days a week is often super helpful. In an hour or so, you can whip up a bunch of nutritious protein, carb, and fat sources that will serve you for the next few days.

And you can use that time to make sure the composition of your diet fits your goals each week.

  • If you want to lose weight, you can prep leaner foods.
  • If you want to build muscle or burn fat, you can focus on preparing high-protein options.
  • When it comes to supplements, having those first two items mapped out can help you determine if supplements will be necessary.

One effective strategy is to plan your meals for the week in advance, and then prepare and portion them on the weekends. This can save time and help ensure that you have healthy, nutritious meals ready to go throughout the week.

I Hope This Helps!

When it comes to figuring out what foods are always good to have at home, there are a ton of options to choose from.

And the options you read about in this article can fit just about any diet.

By stocking your home with the right foods and supplements, and by planning and preparing your meals in advance, you can help support your goals and achieve the body you want.

Remember to stay consistent, stay motivated, and stay focused on your goals, and you will be on your way to a stronger, leaner, and healthier you.

And if you’re looking for help along your journey to build muscle, burn fat, and feel healthier, that’s exactly what I do! Check out my coaching page to learn more about how 1-on-1 online coaching works.

If you’re interested, submit an application and I’ll follow up with you to discuss your goals.

Thanks for reading!

~ Chris