How to Get A Flat Stomach, 7 Simple Tips

Chris Gates posing for How to Get A Flat Stomach

By: Chris Gates

If you have a bit more fat around your stomach than you’d like, you’re not alone.

Losing body fat โ€” and wanting a more lean, defined look โ€” is a common goal shared by most people, and in this article I’m going to help you achieve it!

Below, I’ve outlined seven tips on how to get a flat stomach.

Each one of them will help you see progress. And if you can combine most or all of them, you’ll see DRAMATIC progress.

But let me be clear…

  • While the seven tips you’re about to read are simple…
  • And while figuring out how to get a flat stomach is pretty simple, too…
  • Actually doing it is not necessarily simple.

You’re going to have to work hard, be detailed, and find a way to apply these things to your daily life consistently.

It’s a cliche, but it rings true for what you’re about to read…

Nothing worth having ever came easy.

If you want to get a flat stomach, you’re going to have to put in the work.

Luckily, the things you need to do aren’t complicated. And I’ve mapped everything out for you so that it’s as simple as can be.

So let’s dive in!

I’ve worked with hundreds of people around the world to burn fat, build muscle, and feel more confident! Head over to my testimonials page to read some of their stories.

How to Get A Flat Stomach: Get In A Calorie Deficit

Of all the tips you’re about to read, getting in a calorie deficit is the most important.

A calorie deficit means you’re burning more calories than you’re eating, and it’s quite literally the one and only way your body loses fat.

So if you’re not in a calorie deficit, the rest of these steps aren’t going to work.

Lucky for you, I’ve got a TON of resources on how to know if you’re in a calorie deficit.

The single most straightforward and effective strategy is to track your nutrition, at least for a little while. And at the same time do these three things:

  1. Monitor your weight on the scale
  2. Measure your waist every 1-2 weeks
  3. Take progress photos every 2-4 weeks.

Since you specifically want to flatten your stomach, you should monitor more than just the scale. The scale won’t tell you everything you need to know, because it’s possible to flatten your stomach without seeing your bodyweight change all that much.

If you see any one (or more) of those three things are moving in the right direction (your weight goes down, your waist is slimming, your visual appearance is improving), you’re in a calorie deficit and just need to keep going!

Oftentimes, a small calorie deficit is best.

  • You don’t need to dramatically slash all of the calories out of your diet.
  • You don’t need to eliminate all of your favorite foods.
  • Cutting out entire food groups is not required.

Just reduce your calories slightly, and let your body do the work.

Because the more calories you allow yourself to eat, the more you’ll enjoy your diet.

It will be more sustainable, which will let you stay in a calorie deficit for longer. And that will lead to the flat stomach you’re looking for.

Chris Gates

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How to Get A Flat Stomach: Focus On Protein, Fiber, and Water

I want you to understand something…

There are no foods you “have to eat” in order to…

  • Get a flat stomach
  • Lose weight
  • Or anything else with fitness and nutrition.

It all comes down to what we just went over: being in a calorie deficit.

But with that said, the composition of the foods and meals you eat does matter. And focusing on protein, fiber, and water will be tremendously helpful for you to see progress.

For starters, protein is the most filling macronutrient on planet earth. The more protein you eat, the fuller you’ll feel after each individual meal.

And if you can find a way to get each one of your meals to include a high amount of protein, you’re probably going to feel full all day (which is perfect!).

Fiber is similar.

You’ll find it in most fruits and vegetables, so eating a decent amount of those foods each day is also going to help you feel full.

Water? Once again… same story.

The more water you drink, the fuller you’ll feel.

And fullness is important, because it’s going to help you get in a calorie deficit and stay there without dreading each and every day. You’ll have less cravings and fewer moments where you feel like you need to reach for less nutritious, high-calorie foods.

Not to mention that protein, fiber, and water are unbelievably good for you and your overall health.

how to get a flat stomach enjoy food like ice cream

How to Get A Flat Stomach: Include Some of the Foods You Enjoy

While focusing on protein, fiber, and water is important โ€” and while the majority of your meals should include those three things โ€” it’s also OK, and honestly important to include some foods you enjoy as well.

You may notice a theme here, but your enjoyment level is really important when it comes to how to get a flat stomach.

If you absolutely hate what you’re doing during your journey, you’re probably going to experience one of two things:

  1. The process completely burns you out, and you quit.
  2. You get a flat stomach, but you can’t maintain your progress.

Either one of those results happens because your process was unsustainable.

And it was unsustainable because you didn’t enjoy it.

You need to allow yourself to have some indulgences every once in a while to promote a longer, more successful diet.

No, it’s not going to “ruin all of your progress.”

It’s actually going to set you up for more progress, because you won’t constantly be thinking about those foods you aren’t allowed to eat.

how to get a flat stomach enjoy exercise like basketball

Tip No. 4: Do Forms Of Exercise You Enjoy

Let’s stick with the theme of enjoyment here and talk about your exercise plan.

Because exercising regularly can help you get a flat stomach, but probably not in the ways you think.

  • No, there aren’t any “fat burning exercises” you need to do.
  • You can’t do a bunch of ab exercises to make your stomach fat go away.
  • High-intensity, “calorie-burning” workouts aren’t going to be best.

You’ve been led to believe a lot of those things, and quite honestly it’s because fitness influencers are REALLY good at making you think there are “secrets,” or “quick fixes” that nobody’s talking about (and you should do!).

In reality, doing forms of exercise that you actually enjoy is going to lead you to way more long-term progress.

Once again, because if you enjoy it, you’ll sustain it.

And if you can sustain it, you’ll set yourself up for MASSIVE progress.

You’ll actually look forward to showing up and putting in the work.

That right there is the real “magic.”

I recommend you do a combination of both strength training and cardio each week. Lift some weights and move your body.

Luckily, there’s a ton of options you can choose from to accomplish both:

  • Group fitness classes
  • Hiking
  • Running
  • Walking
  • Bodyweight workouts
  • Lifting weights
  • Playing sports

The list goes on and on.

Do what you enjoy, and do it often.

how to get a flat stomach step count goal

Tip No. 5: Set A Daily Step Count

As part of your exercise plan, there is one specific thing I’d like you to do.


Through years of coaching people all over the world to burn fat, I’ve found that specifically focusing on daily activity is much more effective than trying to map out exotic “fat burning workouts.”

And research shows that setting a simple step count goal can be incredibly impactful for your overall health and longevity.

Walking is the single most accessible form of exercise imaginable. You can literally do it from anywhere, at any time. No equipment required.

And when you focus on hitting a daily step count goal, it keeps daily activity top of mind. It makes you much more active throughout the entire day.

Which will likely lead to you burn more calories each and every day.

And that will help make your goal of getting a flat stomach easier.

Your non-exercise activity plays a bigger role in burning calories than your actual planned workouts, so focus on it.

It may not seem like it, but daily steps will make a dramatic impact if you’re consistent.

how to get a flat stomach sleep more

Tip No. 6: Get Enough Sleep

In virtually every way, shape, and form, getting more sleep will improve your health.

Unfortunately, most people don’t get what’s required.

Most adults see the biggest benefits from consistently sleeping 7-9 hours a night.

And I know, I know…

“Who the hell sleeps 7-9 hours a night consistently?”

  • You’ve got a job.
  • Kids who wake you up.
  • The house needs cleaned.
  • You deserve to watch your favorite show at night.

Research has shown time and time again that better sleep leads to better results with weight loss. So doing what you can to sleep a little bit more could help if you’re wondering how to get a flat stomach.

It’s not because sleep is “magic” for fat loss. It’s just that sleep is really good for your overall health, and the more you get, you’ll see a positive trickle-down effect to all other aspects of your life.

Finding a productive routine is really a game changer for better sleep.

  • No, it won’t be easy.
  • Yes, you’ll have to make some sacrifies.

But in the end, you can develop a routine that promotes your fat loss goals along with your health.

And that’s what’s most important, right?

how to get a flat stomach give yourself time

Tip No. 7: Give Yourself Time

With step No. 1, we talked about the most important factor of all for how to get a flat stomach.

A calorie deficit.

For this seventh and final tip, we’re going to focus on the second most important factor.


The most common pitfall I see with people who want to flatten their stomach is being impatient.

  • You want results.
  • You want them now.
  • So you search for the option that gets you there the quickest.

And if it doesn’t work in 1-2 weeks, you quit.

I’ve got new for you…

That’s a bullshit attitude.

  1. Fat loss takes a hell of a lot of time and effort.
  2. You have to give your body time to adapt.

And here’s the thing… You’re not in a race.

There’s no time limit here.

You can give your body all the time in the world to lose fat, and to see your stomach flatten.

So give yourself that time.

Be consistent with the steps I’ve outlined for you here, and I promise you’ll make progress if you can be patient and allow your body to adapt to the process.

I Hope This Helped!

Thanks for much for stopping by and reading this article! I really hope you found it helpful ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’re interested in getting some help with your journey to flatten your stomach and burn fat, check out my coaching page! I work with people all over the world to burn fat, build muscle, and get healthier.

I’d love to help you achieve the results you’re looking for, and maintain them for a lifetime!

~ Chris