At-Home Workout: Banded Pull Routine

This at-home routine is going to focus on the back and biceps. Despite not using any heavy weights or equipment, you can still get a lot of good work in with just your body weight + a band.

Pull ups kick things off and focus on the upper back. There are two different variations of biceps curls to hit both heads of the biceps. Supermans will work the entire back, but with a focus on the lower back/lumbar area. And banded rows target the lats.

The video above has video examples of each exercise, and the table below breaks out what order to do the exercises in along with how many reps for each one.

If you need ideas on how to scale some of these movements, check out my at-home workouts article. It contains a video that breaks down banded and body weight alternatives for every muscle group.

If you still have questions on how you can make this routine best for you, contact me.

If the rep/set schemes listed aren’t challenging enough, feel free to add more. If they’re too much, feel free to cut some work out or give yourself added rest. The goal here is to get active and train while at home!

The Routine

Perform each of the following exercises consecutively, take a 60-second rest, and then repeat the exercises again. Do this five total times to complete the routine!

Pull Ups8 reps
Biceps Curls12 reps
Supermans10 reps
Inward Curls12 reps
Banded Rows12 reps