Making People Happy, Healthy, and Strong

Chris Gates

What’s up everybody, and welcome to my website and my company, Chris Gates Fitness.

If this is the first time you’re visiting, welcome! I’d like to take some time to explain to you what my mission is. And if you’ve already heard of me or my business before, thanks for stopping by and for spreading the word about what I do!

Quite simply, I am a coach whose mission is to make people happy, healthy, and strong.

The way I do that is through fitness and healthy lifestyle habits. I teach people how to effectively create a healthier lifestyle for themselves. I help people set and reach their goals. And along the way, we develop important traits like consistency, self-discipline, and mindfulness.

I truly believe the only real life hack that exists in this world is fitness. Look at any illness or disease, and I bet that you’ll find exercising is listed as one of the prescriptions to getting better. And it’s not only that. A commitment to health and fitness bleeds over into every day life in so many ways — we learn about what hard work truly looks like, and how showing up every day motivated with a plan turns into positive results.

Finding ways to be physically active every day can do so much good in terms of improving our overall health and wellbeing. When you combine that with additional healthy lifestyle habits, such as healthy eating and self-discipline, the opportunities are endless in terms of what we can accomplish for ourselves.

Through my first year in business, I’ve helped my clients realize this. The thing is, I want to help even more people. I want everyone to understand how adopting new lifestyle habits can radically change their life for the better.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, or if it at least peaks your interest a bit, please contact me and let’s talk about if coaching might be right for you. My one-on-one clients receive extremely personalized programs and daily access to talk about their progress, goals, and more.

And be on the lookout later this spring for some new announcements from Chris Gates Fitness. I’ve got a new service launching that is perfect for people looking for the right workout program. If you need direction with your fitness, but don’t necessarily want or need an intensive experience like one-on-one coaching, this new service is exactly what you’re looking for!

And lastly, at the very least, please peruse the articles on this site. I’ve written about tons of topics and am trying to spread as much free, quality information as possible.

The mission here is to make people happier, healthier, and stronger. I’m excited to push that mission forward into year two!