Learning While Dieting

Week 1 of dieting is in the books! I’ve already learned a lot about myself and gotten clues as to how this process will evolve. I’m excited for this entire 2019 cut!

First off, I’m feeling good. Reducing my food intake and focusing on self control has been a challenge, but it’s one where I’m learning a lot about myself. I’m learning the difference between urges to eat and the NEED to eat.

In terms of training, I got smoked last week! It was definitely a challenge to complete my workouts with less energy, but I completed each one and feel good about the work I put in!

Most importantly, my weight came down and that’s the end goal.

I’m documenting this entire process on my website. I hope I can provide some value in the lessons I learn and the experiences I go through. Dieting is hard, and we can all learn from each other’s wins and losses. I’m approaching this process the same way I coach my clients, so you can get a peek into the programming and adjustments that happen on a daily and weekly basis as well!

You can read more about the first week of my 2019 cut in my Week 1 recap!