By: Chris Gates
Fat loss doesn’t have to be complicated.
There. I said. it.
I know the fitness industry probably has you constantly looking around every corner for the next best “fat loss secret” that nobody’s telling you.
But it’s not that confusing. I promise.
There are a few core principles that you can use in order to lose fat quickly and efficiently — all while making progress you can sustain.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to map out for you in this article.
Below, you’ll learn about 10 insanely simple things you can do to lose fat in 2025.
And here’s the cool thing…
You don’t have to do all 10 of them.
Pick one, or pick a few. Each of these on its own will help you make progress, and the more you can work into your routine over time, the more progress you’ll make!
Sound good? Sweet!
Let’s dive in…

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Want to know exactly how many calories, protein, carbs, and fats you should eat to lose body fat? Hit the button below and download my free calorie calculator, which will take all the guesswork out of your diet! ⬇️
No. 1: Eat More Protein
Protein is essential for fat loss for a few reasons.
- It’s going to help you build and maintain your muscle mass.
- The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, so eating protein will give your metabolism a boost.
- Protein is the most filling macronutrient there is, so the more of it you eat, the fuller and more satisfied you’ll feel after each individual meal.
No matter how you slice it, protein is paramount for fat loss.
And it’s not terribly difficult to boost your protein intake. Just pay a little bit closer attention to the composition of your meals.
- You can make sure to have a protein source at every meal, such as chicken, turkey, or fish.
- Eggs are a great option in the morning for breakfast.
- Protein shakes make getting 20-30 grams of protein a breeze.
- And high-protein snacks like greek yogurt or cottage cheese are delicious options in between meals.
If you download my calorie calculator, it will tell you exactly how many calories to eat in order to lose fat.
And then try to consistently eat that much protein every day.

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No. 2: Set a Daily Step Count Goal
Few things are as impactful for fat loss as setting a daily step count goal.
And I know that might sound odd, since walking doesn’t seem to be a very challenging form of exercise.
But through years of coaching clients, I’ve found setting and hitting a step count goal to be one of the most effective forms of fitness for fat loss. Here’s why…
- When you’re focused on hitting a step count goal, you think about movement all day (as opposed to just in your workouts).
- So you move more, which causes you to burn more calories.
- And when you burn more calories, it makes losing fat easier.
And the beauty of walking is that it’s not strenuous or fatiguing, so you can do it consistently.
In fact, research shows you burn far more calories outside of your workouts than you do when you’re actually in the gym. So adding more to your exercise routine likely won’t help you burn more fat.
But adding more steps most likely will.
So take a look at what your step count has looked like over the last 1-2 months, and aim to add 1,000 steps to that. (Ex: if you consistently hit 5,000 steps a day, set your goal for 6,000.)

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No. 3: Strength Train 2 Times A Week (or More)
When you lift weights, it causes your body to maintain the muscle mass you have, as well as try to build more.
When you’re trying to lose fat, that signaling process is unbelievably important. Here’s why…
- To lose fat, you’re eating fewer calories (energy) than your body needs.
- So your body has to convert its own tissue into energy to get through the day.
- Muscle is a potential energy source for the body, but when you lift you preserve muscle mass.
- And so your body turns its attention entirely to using body fat as an energy source.
And that’s how you lose fat!
You don’t have to go crazy in your workouts. This isn’t about doing as much lifting as your body can handle.
Just get in the gym at least twice a week, do compound exercises (like squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows), and try to progressively overload week to week.
If you can do that, you’ll put your body in the position to lose massive amounts of body fat!

No. 4: Eat in a Calorie Deficit
It’s kind of ridiculous that I waited until No. 4 to bring this one up, but you know what?
The fourth hitter in a baseball lineup is the most powerful, so this works out well.
Because a calorie deficit is the most powerful thing for fat loss. In fact, it’s quite literally the only thing that matters if you want to lose fat.
Eating in a calorie deficit means you’re consuming fewer calories from food than your body burns each day.
A calorie is a unit of energy. And as you just learned, if your body is lacking energy it will search within itself to find energy to get through the day.
That right there is the definition of a calorie deficit.
It’s energy in vs. energy out. The law of thermodynamics, if you will.
You can eat any foods you like, and enjoy any diet plan you like. If you’re in a calorie deficit, you will lose fat.
And if you want to know how to get in a calorie deficit — aka how many calories you should eat — make sure you download my free calorie calculator! It does all the math for you so that you can start making progress.

No. 5: Eat Enough Fiber
Right behind protein is fiber when it comes to fullness.
The more fiber you eat, the fuller you’re going to feel. And it makes sense, because fiber is found in largest quantities in high-volume foods.
- Berries
- Apples
- Pears
- Bananas
- Potatoes
- Salads
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Kales
Those are all examples of high-fiber foods.
In a nutshell, we’re talking fruits and vegetables. They’re going to be great for your overall health, in addition to helping you feel full and avoid massive cravings or hunger spikes.
A general rule of thumb is to eat 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories in your diet. (Ex: 28 grams of fiber a day for a 2,000-calorie diet.)

No. 6: Eat Your Favorite Foods
You probably weren’t expecting this one, so let’s be really clear.
- No, I don’t mean go all-out and binge eat whatever you want.
- No, I don’t mean your entire diet should be full of pop tarts, cake, and ice cream.
Yes, you can eat whatever foods you want and lose weight. That’s the beauty of flexible dieting in a calorie deficit.
BUT… Moderation is always key.
With that said, I do think the best way to find long-term, sustainable success with your diet is to include your favorite foods from time to time.
It’s not going to be sustainable for you to cut out things like pizza, cookies, and ice cream forever, right?
Like, you’re gonna want to eat those foods again some day. So it’s ridiculous to put yourself on the type of plan that doesn’t allow them.
Instead, if you include those foods occasionally, you’ll get the enjoyment factor in your diet, which can’t be understated.
And since you’ll get to enjoy your diet from time to time while you’re in a calorie deficit, you’ll be able to stay in a calorie deficit for longer.
Which means you’ll make more progress!
So don’t cut out all of your favorite foods because you think you have to.
You don’t.
In fact, that approach is objectively worse.

No. 7: Drink Less Alcohol
This won’t go over well with a lot of people, but…
Alcohol is going to make fat loss harder, and your progress will be inarguably worse if you include it in large quantities.
No, you don’t have to cut it out cold turkey.
But trust me. I’ve dieted while drinking booze, and without.
The results are WAAAYYY better without it. For a few of simple reasons…
- Drinking alcohol means you’re drinking calories, and liquid calories are the easiest to consume in large quantities.
- More calories from alcohol means less calories you can fit into your diet from actual food, meaning you’ll feel hungrier and less satisfied.
- Alcohol tends to impair nutritional decision making, so you’re likely to pair your booze with greasy, fatty food, which just ratchets up the calorie count even more.
Reduce or eliminate to the best of your ability.

No. 8: Do Cardio You Enjoy
Or better yet, just don’t do cardio you hate.
This kind of ties in with the step count tip we covered earlier, but you’re not going to burn THAT many calories in your workouts.
The majority of the calories you burn each day come from non-exercise activity.
So there’s no point suffering through workouts you hate in order to lose fat.
Many people are convinced that…
- Cardio is best for fat loss (it’s not)
- High-intensity cardio will lead to better progress (it won’t)
You can create your own adventure with exercising. Nothing is “required” from a fat loss perspective.
So choose what you enjoy. Because if you enjoy it, you’ll be more consistent.
And the more consistent you are, the better your results will be.

No. 9: Get More Sleep
Sleep doesn’t burn calories.
It doesn’t put effort in like when you work out.
You’re not eating calories when you sleep, so it doesn’t address your diet directly.
BUT, sleep is a set up to do all of those things effectively. Think about it this way…
- You get a good night of sleep.
- So you wake up energized for the day.
- You take that energy into the gym and have a great workout.
- The workout leads to your body adapting in the right ways (building muscle, burning fat).
- Your mind is relaxed, and you’re able to make the right decisions with your diet.
All of those things lead to better fat loss progress, and they all stem from a great night of sleep.
Try to get 7-9 hours a night. This is probably the most underrated, yet incredibly effective factor for fat loss.

No. 10: Hire a Coach
While the previous 9 tips can help you make progress, the most effective way to achieve your goals is with personalized guidance and support.
Hiring a coach gives you accountability, customized strategies, and expert advice tailored to your unique needs.
Best of all? It takes out all of the guesswork so you can just show up, put in the work, and have confidence that what you’re doing is working.
I’d love to work with you to help you achieve your health and fitness goals in 2025. Let’s make this your most successful year yet!
Learn more about my 1-on-1 online coaching service, and submit an application so we can talk more about your goals!
~ Chris