By: Chris Gates
To successfully lose weight, you need to find foods that fill you up and keep you satisfied for a long period of time.
So, let me tell you the good news about protein…
You probably know at least a little bit about protein, right?
- It helps you build muscle.
- It’s marketed all over the place.
- You see people chugging shakes at the gym.
For weight loss, specifically, protein is a really valuable tool for your nutrition. And in this article, I’m going to outline for you what are the best high protein foods to lose weight!
But before we get to the list, let’s dive in a little bit deeper to talk about why high-protein foods are so important for your weight loss journey.

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Why Are High-Protein Foods Important?
Protein is an incredibly important addition to any weight loss plan, for a number of reasons.
First off, it’s going to help you feel full and stay in a calorie deficit. And if you didn’t know, you lose body fat by being in a calorie deficit, so anything that helps you accomplish that is something you should consider.
There’s tons of research evidence that shows protein is associated with greater feelings of fullness after eating. This means you’ll feel satisfied long after eating protein-rich meals.
And protein is going to help you with your recovery from exercise. If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably doing some type of exercise, whether it be cardio or strength training (or ideally both!).
Eating an adequate amount of protein is going to help your muscles repair themselves, which will help you stay fresh and continue to be able to train. And the more consistently you’re able to work out, the more you’ll be able to stay on track with your program and make progress.
If you don’t know how much protein to eat, here’s a suggestion:
- Take your height in centimeters, and whatever that number is, eat that many grams of protein each day.
- For example: If you’re 170cm tall, eat 170g protein.
- If you don’t eat much protein at all right now, slowly work your way up to that number over time.
Now, let’s dive into some of my favorite high protein foods to lose weight!
What Are the Best High Protein Foods to Lose Weight?

Chicken Breast
Let’s start with the OG of high protein foods, because chicken breast really reigns supreme.
Four ounces of chicken breast is going to get you well over 30 grams of protein per serving, and it’s virtually free of carbs and fats. So you’re taking in almost entirely protein when you eat chicken breast.
Chicken breasts are awesome because there’s no shortage of ways to cook them, which means you can continue to eat chicken consistently and have this as a high protein option without getting bored or burnt out on eating the same food over and over again.
I recommend flavoring these with different spices and low- or zero-calorie sauces that keep things interesting.

Shrimp is another food that falls into the category of eating almost entirely protein, and nothing else.
It will fill you up, and it’s delicious!
Three ounces of shrimp is only going to run you around 60 calories, and you’re going to get 12 grams of protein for that serving. Just be careful about how much sauce you use to dip the shrimp in (1/4 cup of cocktail sauce is 90 calories), but overall this is a fantastic option.
Ground Beef

Ground beef is packed with protein, but it’s one you need to be smart with to lose weight.
There are many varieties of ground beef you can choose from, which mainly differ in fat content. You’ll commonly see everything from 80% lean ground beef to 92% ground beef in most grocery stores.
There’s nothing wrong with eating fat during a weight loss plan. In fact, you should.
But it’s important to understand that fat grams come with a higher calorie content than protein or carbohydrates. The 92 percent lean variety of ground beef will get you 20+ grams of protein per 4-ounce serving, along with 9 grams of fat.

Turkey Breast
Turkey breast is another tremendous option for packing your weight loss program with protein.
I think turkey breast deli meat is super handy, in particular. Four ounces will provide you with 18 grams of protein, and it’s easy to mix into different foods like sandwiches, salads, etc.

Various White Fish
There are several different types of white fish you can purchase, and all of them are going to provide you with a quality dose of protein.
My favorite is cod. One cod fillet is going to get you around 40 grams of protein at under 200 calories. That’s what I call a weight loss super food!

Black Beans
Let’s move on to some non-meat options. Black beans, for instance, can be really helpful to lose weight.
For every half cup, you’ll get around 8 grams of protein. And you’ll get just as much fiber, too, which is really going to help you feel full while you’re in a calorie deficit! Toss some of these into any dish to add some flavor, variety, and more protein.

Cottage Cheese
A hidden gem (if you enjoy the taste and texture) is cottage cheese.
Not many people know that one cup of cottage cheese is going to provide you with a whopping 25 grams of protein! And at around ~250 calories, this is a great option as a midday snack when your goal is to lose weight.

Greek Yogurt
Here’s another candidate for your midday, or late night snack: greek yogurt.
You’ll get 10 grams of protein for every 100 grams of greek yogurt, and you can add some low-calorie additions like berries for more flavor. At only 60 calories, this is a no-brainer!

Egg Whites
The egg white of one large egg is essentially only protein. You’ll get about 3.5 grams of protein per egg white, and only 17 calories, which means you can really load up on these if you want.
Whole eggs are also an option if you’d like to include the yolk! Just be aware that the yolk brings additional calories from fat.
I hope you found this helpful! My clients ask me all the time for high-protein options, so it made sense to put this article together.
If you’re interested in getting customized coaching to help you figure out the best plan to lose weight, please check out my online fitness coaching page! I coach people all over the world to find success with fitness and nutrition and truly achieve their goals. I’d love to help you as well! You can fill out a coaching application form if you’re interested in talking more about your goals, and I’ll reach out to you.
Thanks for reading!
~ Chris