By: Chris Gates
This is Pierce, and you should know his story.
Because Pierce absolutely plowed through what a lot of people struggle with — building muscle and shedding body fat.
Pierce and I worked together for most of 2021, and his progress has been unreal. If you asked me to find someone who has made more consistent progress day to day, and week to week, it would be tough.
He came to me looking for structure with his fitness and nutrition. He also wanted to reverse the habit of dieting down, only to gain the weight back.
So we went to work on building out a plan together — one that he’d enjoy and be able to sustain.
We set some simple nutrition goals — daily calorie intake and daily protein — while strength training three times a week. On the other four days of the week, Pierce did whatever form of cardio he enjoys.
It could be walking, biking, playing a sport… anything that gets him moving.
And the results were incredible. He visually got leaner, and his weight dropped from up around 190 pounds to the mid 170’s!
That’s not to say it was easy. Pierce deserves all the credit here, because he put in the hard work required to make a change.
His numbers skyrocketed in the gym, and he legitimately pushed himself in each session. That’s not easy.
He enjoyed the occasional indulgence or two from time to time, but largely he ate in a consistent calorie deficit. That’s not easy.
And he gave the process TIME. That’s not easy.
Pierce’s incredible work ethic, attention to detail, and commitment to bettering himself through nutrition and strength training kicked off a body transformation that completely blows me away.
I’m so excited to see what’s next for him! Because the sky is really the limit for what he can achieve.
Keep crushing it, Pierce!