Officially Open For Business!

Chris Gates

I couldn’t be more excited to let you all know that I’m officially open for business!

I launched this website on March 11, to start sharing helpful information about fitness and nutrition with you. Now, there’s so much more to add to the mix!

I’m officially in the business of online health and fitness coaching, and I’m writing this to give you all a good idea of the coaching services I provide, the mission behind offering those coaching services, and how working with me can contribute to a lifetime of happiness and health.

Below, I’ve detailed what’s at the core of this business. If you are interested, or if you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Or, if you know someone who might be interested in, or benefit from, online health and fitness coaching, please share this with them. I’d love to touch base and talk about your needs, what you’re interested in, or answer any questions you may have.

Now, on to the good stuff!


I offer online coaching for both nutrition and fitness.

This entails creating customized programming for people of all backgrounds and levels of experience with fitness. Whether you’re a beginner, advanced, training for a sport, or have a specific health or fitness goal, I’ll work with you to understand:

  • Where you are now with your fitness
  • What you want to accomplish
  • What are your strengths, weaknesses and preferences

From that, we’ll put together a customized training program to work you towards your goals.

Nutritionally, I will help you customize a meal plan that fits with your schedule, preferences, and needs. Whether you want to track macros, get on a specific diet you’re interested in, or make slight tweaks to what you currently do with your diet, we’ll customize the best possible nutrition plan to help you reach your goals.

Everyone gets a free one-on-one consultation before the program begins, and throughout the duration of our coaching agreement we’ll check in weekly to go over what works, what doesn’t work, and how we can best adjust moving forward to get you to your end goal. Along with the ins-and-outs of programming your fitness and/or nutrition, I’m here to be your support system and teach you how to make lifestyle changes that last.

You may want just fitness help, or just nutritional help, or maybe some combination of the two. That’s great! We can figure out what will be best for you and customize the perfect coaching package.

There are a ton of additional details on my coaching page, so if you’re interested please head over there for more. You can also check out my Why Online Coaching page to get more details on the concept of online coaching and why it might be right for you!


The mission here is quite simple. I want to help people be healthier and happier.

Our society has a serious problem right now with developing lifestyles that lead us down the path of being stressed out, sedentary and overweight. We’re not supposed to live life like this. The good thing is, there are a lot of variables we’re able to control to get happier and healthier.

With my online coaching, I strive to help everyone use fitness and nutrition as a catalyst to making healthy lifestyle changes that last a lifetime.

On my end, I get no greater feeling than the satisfaction of helping someone better themselves with fitness and nutrition. Growing up, I was always someone who desired to be strong, fit, and confident. It took me a long time to understand how to combine fitness and nutrition in a way that works. Through personal experience (both successes and failures — lots of failures) and my educational background, I feel I have a ton of valuable information that can help people better themselves and find that strong, fit, confident sense of self.

Lasting Impact

The coaching services I offer are designed to give you tools that last a lifetime. There will be a lasting impact that comes from us working together, and moving forward you’ll have a better understanding of how you can manage your nutrition and fitness to live a happier, healthier life.

But there’s more that will come from our coaching relationship.

Throughout each year, I will take a percentage of the coaching fees that come in and donate that money to a charity that promotes or provides healthy lifestyle habits in children.

Clearly, we have an obesity problem in the United States. One of the most effective ways we can address this issue is to start the right approach at a young age. If we can help teach the right choices early on in life — both food choices and choosing activity over being sedentary — it will go a long way to improving our communities.

I have a few charities in mind that I’d like to donate to, and I’ll share with you every time we give back. I stress “we,” because if you and I work together, we’ll both be contributing to a greater good.

I’m so excited to get working with all of you. If you have a health and/or fitness goal, please contact me and let’s talk about it! Or, if you know someone who might be interested in, or benefit from, this kind of coaching, please share this article with them.

I can’t wait to get started and look forward to working with you!